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Aquatech Amsterdam 2023

Join the Imagine H2O team and our startups at Aquatech Amsterdam on November 6th – 9th!

Aquatech brings together utilities, start-ups, investors, and policymakers to align action on the future of water.

View the Imagine H2O session lineup below and come see us live!

November 6

Opening Ceremony with Aquatech Innovation Award Announcement

  • Time: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
  • Location: Atrium 2

The Innovation Forum is designed to disrupt the conventional conference model, with a free-flowing agenda where speakers and the audience engage in generative discussions on water’s hot topics. See the full agenda here.

Innovation Forum Workshop 1 | Piecing Together the PFAS Puzzle

Innovation Forum Breakout Session 4 | The Role of Clean Water for Clean Energy

Innovation Forum Breakout Session 7 | The Innovation Forum Digital Derby

Innovation Happy Hour with ASTERRA

  • Time: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Spaces are limited for this exclusive event. Contact Sonora Hill at sonora@imagineh2o.org to request an invitation.

November 7

BlueTech Research & Imagine H2O Drinks Reception

  • Time: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
  • Spaces are limited for this exclusive event. Contact Sonora Hill at sonora@imagineh2o.org to request an invitation.

November 8

Innovation Lab Presentations (Innovation Award Nominees in the Innovation Lab)

  • Time: 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
  • Location: Innovation Lab
  • IH2O Speakers: Sudoc

November 9th

Clean Water World Stage Exhibitor Presentations

  • Time: 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Location: Clean Water World Stage
  • IH2O Speakers: Membrion, Aclarity, Sudoc, ACWA Robotics, Gross-Wen Technologies, Orb

See these startups at Aquatech Amsterdam

Aclarity CEO Julie Bliss Mullen


Aclarity CEO Julie Bliss Mullen

Technology category:   Water Quality



Aclarity commercializes novel electrochemical water treatment systems for the complete, on-site destruction of contaminants like PFAS in wastewater.

Why this matters

PFAS, a group of manufacturing chemicals that is known to be harmful to the environment and human health, commonly enters the environment from wastewater discharge and landfill leachate. Alacrity’s system treats the water that drains from landfills and destroys the PFAS before it can enter the environment and cause harm.

Aclarity CEO Julie Bliss Mullen



Programs participated

Urban Water Challenge



Bluemethane captures and permanently removes methane from water, as a new source of bioenergy and revenue for asset owners.



Programs participated

Imagine H2O Accelerator

Paige Peters Rapid Radicals
Rapid Radicals

Rapid Radicals

Paige Peters Rapid Radicals

Technology category: Wastewater Treatment & Reuse (Disinfection)


Decentralized wastewater treatment technology that eliminates sewer overflows and basement backups during large storm events. The solution rapidly removes pollutants and disinfects harmful pathogens 16x faster than conventional systems, and its onsite treatment capabilities result in high-cost savings for municipalities.

Paige Peters Rapid Radicals



Programs participated

Imagine H2O Accelerator




Wastewater Treatment & Reuse (Desalination)

New ceramic ion exchange membrane that helps industrial wastewater treatment facilities recover 30% more water during the desalination process without increasing the levelized cost of water treatment. The membranes are 20% more energy efficient and 50% less expensive than competitors.

Visit their website




Programs participated

Imagine H2O Accelerator



Sudoc is using its patented chemistry to eliminate wasted material, energy, and water in textile bleaching and other water treatment applications.



Programs participated

Imagine H2O Accelerator

Gross Wen Technologies

Gross Wen Technologies

Wastewater Treatment & Reuse (Nutrient Removal)

Algae-based wastewater treatment system that helps customers meet nutrient-discharge limits while reducing their costs and carbon footprint. The technology removes nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater and converts it into fertilizer for a sustainable, easy-to-use treatment solution.

Visit their website



Programs participated

Imagine H2O Accelerator

ACWA Robotics

ACWA Robotics

Technology category:  Network & Non-Revenue Water Management



ACWA Robotics provides the only smart and autonomous robot that can bring utilities the data they need to make accurate decisions on when and where to replace their water mains and save millions of their budget each year.

Why this matters

Water utilities are losing millions of dollars each year because they don’t have the information they need to make efficient decisions regarding network maintenance. Up to 40% of pipe replacements are either inefficient or improperly prioritized. In addition, 20 to 40% of water running in distribution networks lost every year due to pipe conditions, costing the city money and wasting dwindling supplies of potable water.



Programs participated

Urban Water Challenge



iFlux provides visibility into groundwater dynamics through combining a network of IoT sensors, sampling technology and a real-time dashboard.



Programs participated

Imagine H2O Accelerator